- Prof. Bernhard Boser,
- Ashkan Borna,
- Brian Lambson,
- Michael Roe,
- YongKeong Yap, (reader)
Provide a basic understanding of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.
KVL and KCL, node-voltage analysis, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, design and analysis of circuits with operational amplifiers, impedance, time domain analysis, frequency response (Bode plots), analog vs. digital signals, laboratory techniques (breadboarding and operation of supplies, DVM, oscilloscope, function generator). This material is covered in EE 40.
Related Courses
EE105 is a prerequisite for EE140 (Linear Integrated Circuits) and EE142 (Integrated Circuits for Communications). It is also helpful (but not required) for EE141 (Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits).
B. Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley, 2008.
Grades & Exams
- Both midterms are in-class. Notify your discussion GSI by the end of the second week of classes if you have a conflict for either midterm or the final exam or if you need special accommodations.
- Scores are kept on bspace. Please check regularly for accuracy and notify your GSI of any errors or omissions.
- Your grade will be computed from a weighted average of
- Homework (15%) Lowest score will be dropped from grade calculation.
- Labs (15%) You must complete all labs to pass the course!
- Midterms (30%)
- Final (40%)